NOISE (disempowering information) is an accelerating issue in our society, with the potential to wreak havoc on our personal fulfillment and well being. It can overwhelm us from both a QUANTITY and QUALITY perspective. If the quantity of our information input continues to increase, the task of human brain, with its inherent limitations, is to understand how to filter and eliminate irrelevant information, that does not support our growth and development, and also does not overwhelm our cognitive capacities. If the quality of the incoming information is toxic, manipulative and harmful, our awareness and decision making skills are tested, with regard to our ability to develop positive values and establish a robust and healthy world view. 

As noise accelerates, through advances in seductive and silent technology, media, and consumerism, there are things that we can and must do now, more than any other time in history, to learn how to live above the noise.

To live above the noise  does not mean either “dropping out” or coping in ways that separate us from our world.  Instead, it means quite the opposite. Living above the noise involves a shift in perspective, where we learn to live our life from the “inside out”, while developing a stronger commitment to increasing and sustaining higher levels of awareness, ability and control.

There are thousands of individuals who have demonstrated to us, that under the worst possible conditions of suppression, overload and abuse, the human mind is capable of both resilience and positive transformation. These are not simply unique  “personalities” that are talented or gifted. Instead, these individuals were doing something very different, with the manner by which they processed information, and it was this difference, that made all the difference in the fulfillment and well being of their life.    

Each of us has a part of our mind that when developed offers us our highest individual  potential. From a FutureWise perspective we call this our CENTERPOINT. The CENTERPOINT in technical neuroscience terms, is directly aligned with our prefrontal cortex and the skills called executive functions. It is this “muscle of the mind” that needs early and continued development and nurturing, in order to develop our full range of human potential.  As our outside Circles Of Influence, continue to increase their power potential, they create higher and higher demands for us to develop our internal SELF Circle and CENTERPOINT dimensions, in order to maintain our personal balance and to avoid being immersed in the escalating cycle of NOISE that suffocates us.

Learning to Live Above The Noise means integrating the CENTERPOINT skills necessary through our intention, time and commitment. When we make the shift to an “inside-out” perspective, we can blossom, flourish and increase our well being. Without the commitment to our CENTERPOINT we remain simply pawns for the increasing tech and media “noisemakers” with only profit and manipulation as their goal.  

This unfolding series of blog posts will tackle the critical questions related to the “new” NOISE.  What’s really going on? What does the research show? How can we prepare and protect our choice making skills and our future?

Stayed tuned to learn how to LIVE ABOVE THE NOISE.

Rob Reiher Ph.D.